Carmen Vázquez

Community Organizer

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Education & Training

Carmen Vázquez (Community Organizer). Growing up always knew that she wanted to work with non-profit organizations because of her belief in the power that they hold to creating change. Carmen was first exposed to non-profits with the work she did at The POINT CDC as an after-school tutor and later as a receptionist. Through The POINT CDC she learned the importance of community gardens and teaching the youth the importance of using their voice and getting involved with what’s going on with their communities.

It was while working at We Stay/Nos Quedamos during the summer as an intern where Carmen got indoctrinated in Community Land Trusts, more on community gardens, and was able to participate in meetings and workshops where experienced and learned about the developments and construction for affordable housing. It was these experiences that confirmed her drive and passion to work for non-profits.

After obtaining her Bachelors in Arts in French with a minor in Human Rights from Lehman College, Carmen has joined We Stay/Nos Quedamos as a Community Organizer, where she will be working with community members as well as other non-profit organizations to educate, inspire, and involve regional stakeholder with being a part of the changes they wish to see in the South Bronx.


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