WE STAY/Nos Quedamos, Inc. is a South Bronx-based CDC committed to our collective self-determination. Our sustainable development work creates the conditions that maintain our health and culture. Our work engages, empowers, and transforms marginalized communities to remain and thrive.
Our vision is one of acceptance and respect, We Stay, We Welcome, We Build. We are the living example of a unified, diverse and flourishing community guided by love and the need for justice. We manifest our resiliency through community partnership, ownership and self-determination.
Our organization is committed to supporting efforts that promote opportunities that aim for outcomes that substantive improve the health and well-being of our residents, the surrounding Melrose community and greater South Bronx region. To advance this priority Nos Quedamos remains actively engaged with advocacy efforts that join with other Bronx based organizations to leverage capacity and have influence on matters related to public policy effecting the future of development that will impact upon our stakeholders and constituents. These advocacy campaigns and initiatives include, but are not limited to:
• South Bronx River Watershed Alliance
• NYC Environmental Justice Alliance
• Our City Our Homes
• Bronx Climate Justice Initiative
Nos Quedamos provides the following services on-site for the community and the residents of its buildings:
Financial Literacy Tenants and members of the community are educated on a variety of financial issues: from the importance of having checking and savings accounts to ensuring the first steps of financial independence by paying bills on-time and not over extending their income. Homeownership counseling services are also provided. Due to the recent economic downturn, we have also started a Foreclosure Prevention Program, which seeks to aid homeowners from the Bronx to avoid foreclosure by changing their loan terms through either a loan modification or a refinance of their current mortgage.
Youth Promotion and Job Development Nos Quedamos is a firm believer in educating our youth and surrounding them with a variety of current cultural issues to help keep them on the right track towards a better future for both themselves and the overall community. Nos Quedamos is dedicated to encouraging kids and young adults to participate in sports, arts, health, environmental education, and cultural events.
Property Management Nos Quedamos offers in-site assistance to our building’s inhabitants concerning any issues within the residential areas. Residents can come up to our office and offer any suggestions and/or make specific complaints, which are resolved in timely manner directly from our front desk. This allows for a faster and more accurate response to any issues that may arise within our buildings.
Green Buildings At Nos Quedamos, we believe it is not sufficient to merely provide housing and commercial space; new and renovated buildings should improve the quality-of-life for their residents and the overall community. Nos Quedamos continues to push for green and LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System™) certified developments, encompassing materials, systems, and high efficiency Energy Star® appliances and fixtures which help reduce energy and water usage in our projects; urban agriculture, roof gardens, including green spaces with native plants as well as capturing and reusing rain and gray water. All these measures allow our buildings to create a positive impact both for the environment and the community. For a full list of our buildings, visit our Housing page.
Brownfield Remediation Many Nos Quedamos developments are located on former brownfields sites whose former uses involved potentially hazardous materials. Redevelopment of these sites can ensure the elimination of any threats for future uses. Nos Quedamos has participated on the creation of standards and regulations concerning brownfields redevelopment at local, citywide, statewide, and federal levels. Through our constant work with local leaders, Nos Quedamos was invited to participate in a statewide legislative conference, The Pocantico Roundtable, to craft Brownfield policies that have since been enacted.
Air Quality Air quality, in the Borough of the Bronx especially, is extremely poor. With greater than twice (17%) the New York City average rate of asthma in school-age children, air quality is a major component of community health. Nos Quedamos has participated in several environmental justice and advocacy groups and co-authored an air quality research study, the South Bronx Environmental Health and Policy Study, along with the office of the US Congressman, José E. Serrano, other community organizations (THE POINT Community Development Corporation, the Sports Foundation Inc., and Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice) and New York University, which lead to the development of air quality standards and policy to improve the community residents’ quality of life.
Nos Quedamos has been a community-driven/people-led housing advocate for 29 years, and developed a substantial portfolio of both low-income rental and affordable home-ownership housing stock in the South Bronx. Nos Quedamos has also gained international recognition as a long-term early adopter and implementer of environmentally savvy LEED building practices that date back to 2010.
You can find out more about each of our buildings HERE.