What is an "NQ Delegate?"
“Representing Melrose Commons and providing a voice for the community’s betterment.”
Nos Quedamos was founded as a people-led housing movement that grew into a historic community development win known as the Melrose Urban Renewal Plan, created via the joint efforts of community residents, home owners, business leaders, and activists = NQ Delegates. It was the “people power” of NQ Delegates that led to such a bold and dramatic change in Melrose Commons, transforming the region into a vibrant and viable community that continues to thrive and evolve today. But there’s more crucial work to be done and new obstacles to overcome.
Today, Nos Quedamos continues to work utilizing this same bottom up people-led approach. We are currently seeking community-minded stakeholders to serve as present day NQ Delegates to represent Melrose Commons in making history yet again. NQ Delegates will work alongside Nos Quedamos’ team and have their voices heard on a multitude of important issues and platforms, such as the Bronxwide People’s Platform, whose focus includes:
– Housing
– Energy
– Environment
– Civic Engagement

About Bronxwide People's Platform
The Bronxwide People’s Platform and agenda builds on the collective efforts of the Bronx-wide Coalition, madeup of local residents and twenty-four organizations who co-created the Bronx-wide People’s Platform for Congress 2020, which articulates systemic policy solutions at the federal level, including the development ofa 30-year master plan.
The Bronx already has much of what it needs to transform its local economy and become a thriving, healthy borough. However, Bronxites currently do not have enough meaningful ownership or control over our futures. To ensure existing residents who fought for the Bronx can continue to call it home for generations to come, over the next year, a coalition of Bronx organizations will engage residents and local stakeholders in the creation of a Bronx-wide Platform and Plan to establish a community-driven, comprehensive vision for economic development rooted in advancing racial justice and economic democracy.
You can download (as a PDF) the full background, principles and framework HERE. Download flier (PDF) HERE. Watch the informative video below.
Let’s Shape the Future of the Bronx. Together.
We have a vision for our future, with our solutions. We are grounded in values of economic democracy and creating an economy that supports movements for liberation and deeper freedom, dignity, and well-being for all
Join thousands of Bronx residents and add your voice to our Bronx plan, as we give life to our vision and values for economic democracy: an economy where we all have stability, dignity, and opportunity. Our Bronx, our plan, our future. Learn more: What is economic democracy?
Click here to sign up to stay connected and get involved!
The proposals you will see are the result of nearly two years of community listening, engagement, and deliberation. They address real needs for affordable housing, business development, resilience, and building an equitable economy in the Bronx for the next generations. How did we come up with these proposals? Click here to review ideas we collected during our peoples’ assemblies in 2021.
Learn more about economic democracy and the work of our coalition here.
These proposals will be open for feedback online here and offline at a series of community events until March 31, 2023. CAST YOUR VOTE
NOTE: If you have trouble seeing the full detail of a proposal, try rotating your phone or resizing your computer browser window.
– Attend weekly 1-hour meetings to plan out how to get more community members involved
– Attend a monthly coalition meeting for report backs
– Contribute to meetings and carrying out tasks and responsibilities given during those meetings
Next Steps:
If you are interested, please reach out to our community organizer, Carmen Vázquez at cdejesus@nosquedamos.org
The Bronxwide Platform is composed of the following community-based organizations: Banana Kelly CIA, Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative, Bronx Bethany, DreamYard, LAAL, Laborer’s International Union of North America (Local 79), MEKONG, Mothers On The Move, Mott Haven Families, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, Nos Quedamos, North-West Bronx Clergy Coalition, nwBronx Indivisible, Sistas & Brothers United, The Thinkcubator, WHEDco, and Youth Ministries for Peace & Justice (YMPJ).